It's not about the bunny, It's about the Lamb

Creativity our God given gift
Because we are made in His image, we bear the gift of living a creative life that honor our Creator

Loving all the bright and beautifull bunny chocolates in the shops -who can resist... but coming back to the root of it all, when all the sugar rush highs are gone whats left than empty wrapping and guilt after over indulgence. 
But when you eat of the Lamb, tasting the sweetness of His presence, indulging in His grace and mercy and love,...there's no shame, no guilt, no dissapointment in your lack of selfcontrol,...
Focusing on the Lamb of God, allowing Him to fill you with love ( no hollow eggs shell..)then you are getting to the real centre of Pasè /Passover
Jesus Christ the author and finisher should always be our focus, our centre of attention during thid holiday season. 
So letting go of my bunny love for a monent, I created a few Lambs ( inspired by Lebenslustiger -go check out her lovely lamb pattern) 
While knitting every stitch over this easter weekend I was intensly reminded and aware of what Jesus really accomplished on the cross for us. 
No problem with egg hunting I suppose, but helping my children find their way to the Lamb of God is soooooo much more rewarding for me (and them) 
Gave them each a new Lamb I knitted this year (already a few lambs living with us from previouse Passovers, soon we will be able to have our own herd 😀
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Thank you Abba Father fir the Lamb You provided
Thank you Jesus for taking our place. 


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